ImageGear for .NET
ImageGear.Processing Namespace (ImageGear21.Processing.Advanced)
Inheritance Hierarchy

This namespace represents the image and color processing API that allows you to promote or reduce colors using different interpolation algorithms. This API also allows you to rotate, flip, resize and crop images and provides image transformation methods such as remove red eye, perspective, solarize, warp, wave, etc.

ClassImGearEffects Contains methods for image effects.
ClassImGearEffectsVerifier Contains methods that check whether a particular effect can be performed on an image.
ClassImGearMosaicBorderParams Describes border characteristics of the Mosaic operation.
ClassImGearMosaicCellParams Describes cell parameters of the Mosaic operation.
ClassImGearMosaicFillParams Describes fill characteristics of the Mosaic operation.
ClassImGearMosaicShadowParams Describes parameters of the shadow effect to be applied to an image after dividing on the cells.
ClassImGearPicturizeMatchingMatrix Matches cell images to fragments of the image to which the Picturize effect will be applied.
ClassImGearPicturizePreprocessedCollection Preprocesses and stores a collection of cell images for Picturize effect.
ClassImGearPixelateBorderParams Describes border characteristics of the Pixelate operation.
ClassImGearPixelateCellParams Describes cell parameters of the Pixelate operation.
ClassImGearPixelateFillParams Describes fill characteristics of the Pixelate operation.
ClassImGearPixelCheckerRedEyeRGB Checks the RGB pixel using red-eye detection algorithm.
ClassImGearPixelCheckerThreshold Checks the pixel using the initial pixel and the threshold.
ClassImGearSpotlight This class contains parameters of a spotlight that can be used to highlight an image.
InterfaceIImGearPixelChecker An implementation of this interface is passed to ImGearEffects.DetectArea method.
StructureImGearPicturizeDistributionSettings Stores cell image distribution settings for the Picturize effect.
StructureImGearPicturizeMatchingSettings Stores the settings that specify how the ImGearEffects.Picturize method will match cell images to fragments of the source image.
StructureImGearPicturizeMixingSettings Stores the settings that specify how the ImGearEffects.Picturize method can modify cell images for the Picturize effect.
EnumerationImGearMonochromeFilmPreset Identifies preset parameters for the ImGearEffects.MonochromeFilm method.
See Also


ImageGear21.Processing.Advanced Assembly



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