ImageGear for Java
ImGearDynamicMediaXMPMetadata Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearDynamicMediaXMPMetadata.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorImGearDynamicMediaXMPMetadata ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ImGearDynamicMediaXMPMetadata class.  
Public Methods
Public MethodgetAbsPeakAudioFilePathReturns AbsPeakAudioFilePath value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies absolute path to the file's peak audio file. If empty, no peak file exists.

Public MethodgetAlbumReturns Album value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the album.

Public MethodgetAltTapeNameReturns AltTapeName value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies alternative tape name, set via the project window or timecode dialog in Premiere. If an alternative name has been set and has not been reverted, that name is displayed.

Public MethodgetArtistReturns Artist value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the artist or artists.

Public MethodgetAudioChannelTypeReturns AudioChannelType value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio channel type. Allowed values are: 'Mono', 'Stereo', '5.1', '7.1'.

Public MethodgetAudioCompressorReturns AudioCompressor value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio compression used. For example, MP3.

Public MethodgetAudioModDateReturns AudioModDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date and time when the audio was last modified.

Public MethodgetAudioSampleRateReturns AudioSampleRate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio sample rate. Can be any value, but commonly 32000, 41100, or 48000.

Public MethodgetAudioSampleTypeReturns AudioSampleType value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio sample type. Allowed values are: '8Int', '16Int', '32Int', '32Float'.

Public MethodgetBeatSpliceParamsReturns BeatSpliceParams value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies parameters for Beat Splice stretch mode.

Public MethodgetComposerReturns Composer value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies composer's name.

Public MethodgetContributedMediaReturns ContributedMedia value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies unordered list of all media used to create this media.

Public MethodgetCopyrightReturns Copyright value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies copyright information.

Public MethodgetDurationReturns Duration value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies duration of the media file.

Public MethodgetEngineerReturns Engineer value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies engineer's name.

Public MethodgetFileDataRateReturns FileDataRate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies file data rate in megabytes per second. For example: '36/10' = 3.6 MB/sec.

Public MethodgetGenreReturns Genre value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the genre.

Public MethodgetInstrumentReturns Instrument value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies musical instrument.

Public MethodgetIntroTimeReturns IntroTime value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies duration of lead time for queuing music.

Public MethodgetKeyReturns Key value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio's musical key. Allowed values are: 'C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'.

Public MethodgetLogCommentReturns LogComment value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies log comments.

Public MethodgetLoopReturns Loop value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies true, the clip can be looped seemlessly.

Public MethodgetMarkersReturns Markers value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies ordered list of markers.

Public MethodgetMetadataModDateReturns MetadataModDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date and time when the metadata was last modified.

Public MethodgetNumberOfBeatsReturns NumberOfBeats value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies number of beats.

Public MethodgetOutCueReturns OutCue value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies time at which to fade out.

Public MethodgetProjectRefReturns ProjectRef value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies reference to the project that created this file.

Public MethodgetPullDownReturns PullDown value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies sampling phase of film to be converted to video (pull-down). Allowed values are: 'WSSWW', 'SSWWW', 'SWWWS', 'WWWSS', 'WWSSW', 'WSSWW_24p', 'SSWWW_24p', 'SWWWS_24p', 'WWWSS_24p', 'WWSSW_24p'.

Public MethodgetRelativePeakAudioFilePathReturns RelativePeakAudioFilePath value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies relative path to the file's peak audio file. If empty, no peak file exists.

Public MethodgetRelativeTimeStampReturns RelativeTimestamp value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies start time of the media inside the audio project.

Public MethodgetReleaseDateReturns ReleaseDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date the title was released.

Public MethodgetResampleParamsReturns ResampleParams value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies parameters for Resample stretch mode.

Public MethodgetScaleTypeReturns ScaleType value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies musical scale used in the music. Allowed values are: 'Major', 'Minor', 'Both', 'Neither'.

Public MethodgetSceneReturns Scene value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the scene.

Public MethodgetShotDateReturns ShotDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date and time when the video was shot.

Public MethodgetShotlocationReturns ShotLocation value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the location where the video was shot. For example: 'Oktoberfest, Munich Germany'. For more accurate positioning, use the EXIF GPS values.

Public MethodgetShotNameReturns ShotName value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the shot or take.

Public MethodgetSpeakerPlacementReturns SpeakerPlacement value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies description of the speaker angles.

Public MethodgetStretchModeReturns StretchMode value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio stretch mode. Allowed values are: 'Fixed length', 'Time-Scale', 'Resample', 'Beat Splice', 'Hybrid'.

Public MethodgetTapeNameReturns TapeName value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the tape from which the clip was captured, as set during the capture process.

Public MethodgetTempoReturns Tempo value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio's tempo.

Public MethodgetTimeScaleParamsReturns TimeScaleParams value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies parameters for Time-Scale stretch mode.

Public MethodgetTimeSignatureReturns TimeSignature value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies time signature of the music. Allowed values are: One of: '2/4', '3/4', '4/4', '5/4', '7/4', '6/8', '9/8', '12/8', 'other'.

Public MethodgetTrackNumberReturns TrackNumber value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies numeric value indicating the order of the audio file within its original recording.

Public MethodgetVideoAlphaModeReturns VideoAlphaMode value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies alpha mode. Allowed values are: 'straight', 'pre-multiplied'.

Public MethodgetVideoAlphaPremultipleColorReturns VideoAlphaPremultipleColor value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies a color in CMYK or RGB to be used as the pre-multiple color when alpha mode is pre-multiplied.

Public MethodgetVideoAlphaUnityIsTransparentReturns VideoAlphaUnityIsTransparent value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies true, unity is clear, when false, it is opaque.

Public MethodgetVideoColorSpaceReturns VideoColorSpace value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies choice of The color space. Allowed values are: 'sRGB' (used by Photoshop), 'CCIR-601" (used for NTSC), 'CCIR-709' (used for HD).

Public MethodgetVideoCompressorReturns VideoCompressor value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies compression used. For example, jpeg.

Public MethodgetVideoFieldOrderReturns VideoFieldOrder value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies field order for video. One of: 'Upper', 'Lower', 'Progressive'.

Public MethodgetVideoFrameRateReturns VideoFrameRate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies choice of the video frame rate. One of: '24', 'NTSC', 'PAL'.

Public MethodgetVideoFrameSizeReturns VideoFrameSize value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies frame size. For example: w:720, h: 480, unit:pixels.

Public MethodgetVideoModDateReturns VideoModDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date and time when the video was last modified.

Public MethodgetVideoPixelAspectRatioReturns VideoPixelAspectRatio value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies aspect ratio, expressed as ht/wd. For example: '648/720' = 0.9.

Public MethodgetVideoPixelDepthReturns VideoPixelDepth value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies choice of The size in bits of each color component of a pixel. Standard Windows 32-bit pixels have 8 bits per component. Allowed values are: '8Int', '16Int', '32Int', '32Float.

Public MethodsetAbsPeakAudioFilePathSets AbsPeakAudioFilePath value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies absolute path to the file's peak audio file. If empty, no peak file exists.

Public MethodsetAlbumSets Album value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the album.

Public MethodsetAltTapeNameSets AltTapeName value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies alternative tape name, set via the project window or timecode dialog in Premiere. If an alternative name has been set and has not been reverted, that name is displayed.

Public MethodsetArtistSets Artist value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the artist or artists.

Public MethodsetAudioChannelTypeSets AudioChannelType value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio channel type. Allowed values are: 'Mono', 'Stereo', '5.1', '7.1'.

Public MethodsetAudioCompressorSets AudioCompressor value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio compression used. For example, MP3.

Public MethodsetAudioModDateSets AudioModDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date and time when the audio was last modified.

Public MethodsetAudioSampleRateSets AudioSampleRate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio sample rate. Can be any value, but commonly 32000, 41100, or 48000.

Public MethodsetAudioSampleTypeSets AudioSampleType value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio sample type. Allowed values are: '8Int', '16Int', '32Int', '32Float'.

Public MethodsetBeatSpliceParamsSets BeatSpliceParams value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies parameters for Beat Splice stretch mode.

Public MethodsetComposerSets Composer value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies composer's name.

Public MethodsetContributedMediaSets ContributedMedia value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies unordered list of all media used to create this media.

Public MethodsetCopyrightSets Copyright value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies copyright information.

Public MethodsetDurationSets Duration value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies duration of the media file.

Public MethodsetEngineerSets Engineer value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies engineer's name.

Public MethodsetFileDataRateSets FileDataRate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies file data rate in megabytes per second. For example: '36/10' = 3.6 MB/sec.

Public MethodsetGenreSets Genre value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the genre.

Public MethodsetInstrumentSets Instrument value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies musical instrument.

Public MethodsetIntroTimeSets IntroTime value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies duration of lead time for queuing music.

Public MethodsetKeySets Key value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio's musical key. Allowed values are: 'C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'.

Public MethodsetLogCommentSets LogComment value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies log comments.

Public MethodsetLoopSets Loop value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies true, the clip can be looped seemlessly.

Public MethodsetMarkersSets Markers value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies ordered list of markers.

Public MethodsetMetadataModDateSets MetadataModDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date and time when the metadata was last modified.

Public MethodsetNumberOfBeatsSets NumberOfBeats value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies number of beats.

Public MethodsetOutCueSets OutCue value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies time at which to fade out.

Public MethodsetProjectRefSets ProjectRef value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies reference to the project that created this file.

Public MethodsetPullDownSets PullDown value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies sampling phase of film to be converted to video (pull-down). Allowed values are: 'WSSWW', 'SSWWW', 'SWWWS', 'WWWSS', 'WWSSW', 'WSSWW_24p', 'SSWWW_24p', 'SWWWS_24p', 'WWWSS_24p', 'WWSSW_24p'.

Public MethodsetRelativePeakAudioFilePathSets RelativePeakAudioFilePath value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies relative path to the file's peak audio file. If empty, no peak file exists.

Public MethodsetRelativeTimeStampSets RelativeTimestamp value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies start time of the media inside the audio project.

Public MethodsetReleaseDateSets ReleaseDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date the title was released.

Public MethodsetResampleParamsSets ResampleParams value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies parameters for Resample stretch mode.

Public MethodsetScaleTypeSets ScaleType value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies musical scale used in the music. Allowed values are: 'Major', 'Minor', 'Both', 'Neither'.

Public MethodsetSceneSets Scene value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the scene.

Public MethodsetShotDateSets ShotDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date and time when the video was shot.

Public MethodsetShotlocationSets ShotLocation value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the location where the video was shot. For example: 'Oktoberfest, Munich Germany'. For more accurate positioning, use the EXIF GPS values.

Public MethodsetShotNameSets ShotName value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the shot or take.

Public MethodsetSpeakerPlacementSets SpeakerPlacement value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies description of the speaker angles.

Public MethodsetStretchModeSets StretchMode value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio stretch mode. Allowed values are: 'Fixed length', 'Time-Scale', 'Resample', 'Beat Splice', 'Hybrid'.

Public MethodsetTapeNameSets TapeName value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies name of the tape from which the clip was captured, as set during the capture process.

Public MethodsetTempoSets Tempo value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies audio's tempo.

Public MethodsetTimeScaleParamsSets TimeScaleParams value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies parameters for Time-Scale stretch mode.

Public MethodsetTimeSignatureSets TimeSignature value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies time signature of the music. Allowed values are: One of: '2/4', '3/4', '4/4', '5/4', '7/4', '6/8', '9/8', '12/8', 'other'.

Public MethodsetTrackNumberSets TrackNumber value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies numeric value indicating the order of the audio file within its original recording.

Public MethodsetVideoAlphaModeSets VideoAlphaMode value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies alpha mode. Allowed values are: 'straight', 'pre-multiplied'.

Public MethodsetVideoAlphaPremultipleColorSets VideoAlphaPremultipleColor value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies a color in CMYK or RGB to be used as the pre-multiple color when alpha mode is pre-multiplied.

Public MethodsetVideoAlphaUnityIsTransparentSets VideoAlphaUnityIsTransparent value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies true, unity is clear, when false, it is opaque.

Public MethodsetVideoColorSpaceSets VideoColorSpace value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies choice of The color space. Allowed values are: 'sRGB' (used by Photoshop), 'CCIR-601" (used for NTSC), 'CCIR-709' (used for HD).

Public MethodsetVideoCompressorSets VideoCompressor value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies compression used. For example, jpeg.

Public MethodsetVideoFieldOrderSets VideoFieldOrder value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies field order for video. One of: 'Upper', 'Lower', 'Progressive'.

Public MethodsetVideoFrameRateSets VideoFrameRate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies choice of the video frame rate. One of: '24', 'NTSC', 'PAL'.

Public MethodsetVideoFrameSizeSets VideoFrameSize value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies frame size. For example: w:720, h: 480, unit:pixels.

Public MethodsetVideoModDateSets VideoModDate value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies date and time when the video was last modified.

Public MethodsetVideoPixelAspectRatioSets VideoPixelAspectRatio value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies aspect ratio, expressed as ht/wd. For example: '648/720' = 0.9.

Public MethodsetVideoPixelDepthSets VideoPixelDepth value of the Dynamic Media XMP schema.

This XMP value specifies choice of The size in bits of each color component of a pixel. Standard Windows 32-bit pixels have 8 bits per component. Allowed values are: '8Int', '16Int', '32Int', '32Float.

See Also


ImGearDynamicMediaXMPMetadata Class
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.dynamicmedia Package



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