ImageGear for Java
Creating, Saving, Loading, Modifying, and Deleting ART Marks

This section provides information about the following:

Creating a Mark via Function Calls

ART marks are created by using their constructors. For example, a rectangle mark can be created as follows:

Java Example
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ImGearRGBQuad igRGBQuad = new ImGearRGBQuad(255, 0, 0);
ImGearRectangle igRectangle = new ImGearRectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);
ImGearARTRectangle igARTRectangle = new ImGearARTRectangle(igRectangle, igRGBQuad);

Once it is created, it should be added to the ART page:

Java Example
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int markID;
ImGearARTPage igARTPage = new ImGearARTPage();
markID = igARTPage.AddMark(igARTRectangle, ImGearARTCoordinatesType.IMAGE_COORD);

Mark attributes can be edited at any time:

Java Example
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// Get the mark we just added.
igARTRectangle = (ImGearARTRectangle)igARTPage.MarkGet(markID);

Saving ART Marks

Once your application has created some marks, they may want to save them somewhere. Your application has the following choices of where to save them:

.ART files can be read by any other application developed with ImageGear.

Loading ART Marks

Once ART marks have been saved, they can be reloaded (by the same user or a different user, using the same program or using any other ImageGear-enabled application). The way that the marks were saved will determine how they must be reloaded:

Deleting Marks

Marks are deleted by using ImGearARTPage.MarkRemove methods or RemoveMarks methods.

Marks that are burned-in cannot be deleted.



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