ImageGear for Java
buildPseudocolorLUT Method
Predefined pseudocoloring scheme.
Lookup table to fill. It should contain three single-channel LUTs with input and output depths set to 8.

This method fills a lookup table (LUT) according to one of the predefined 24-bit RGB to 24-bit RGB pseudocoloring schemes. Use this method to initialize method com.accusoft.imagegear.display.ImGearPageDisplay.getLUT.

Value, passed to com.accusoft.imagegear.display.ImGearPageDisplay.getLUT method is used on the last stage of display processing, when all geometric, color space and depth conversions have been done. This allows you to use a 24-bit RGB to 24-bit RGB lookup table for displaying images of any color space and depth.


Builds a pseudocolor LUT.
public static void buildPseudocolorLUT( 
   ImGearPseudocolorSchemes scheme,
   ImGearRGBLUT lookupTable


Predefined pseudocoloring scheme.
Lookup table to fill. It should contain three single-channel LUTs with input and output depths set to 8.

This method fills a lookup table (LUT) according to one of the predefined 24-bit RGB to 24-bit RGB pseudocoloring schemes. Use this method to initialize method com.accusoft.imagegear.display.ImGearPageDisplay.getLUT.

Value, passed to com.accusoft.imagegear.display.ImGearPageDisplay.getLUT method is used on the last stage of display processing, when all geometric, color space and depth conversions have been done. This allows you to use a 24-bit RGB to 24-bit RGB lookup table for displaying images of any color space and depth.


See Also


ImGearDICOM Class
ImGearDICOM Members



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