ImageGear for Java
IImGearFormat Interface Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see IImGearFormat members.

Public Methods
 MethodgetDefaultExtensionGets the default extension used when naming files containing images in this format (e.g., "*.bmp" for the BMP format).

String containing format extension.

This value specifies the default extension used when naming files containing images in this format (e.g., "*.bmp" for the BMP format).

This value is used when populating the filter for the SaveFileDialog on Win32.

 MethodgetFullNameGets the full name of the format.

String containing the format's name.

 MethodgetIDGets the ID of the format.

Any member of the ImGearFormats enumeration except ImGearFormats.UNKNOWN. ImGearFormats

 MethodgetMIMETypeGets the MIME Media Type associated with the format.

String containing the format's MIME Type.

This value provides the MIME Media Type associated with the format, such as "image/jpeg", "image/tiff", etc.

 MethodgetNameGets the short name of the format.

String containing the format's name.

 MethodgetParametersGets format's control parameters.

An instance of the class for managing format's control parameters.

This value provides access to format's control parameters.


 MethodisDetectionEnabledGets a value indicating whether the format should be used in the image detection process.

Boolean value.

Detection is enabled for all formats by default.

 MethodsetDetectionEnabledSets a value indicating whether the format should be used in the image detection process.

Boolean value.

Detection is enabled for all formats by default. Use this method to exclude a format from detection.

See Also


IImGearFormat Interface
com.accusoft.imagegear.formats Package



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