ImageGear for Java
ImGearMetadataHead Class Members
Fields  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearMetadataHead.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorImGearMetadataHead ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldformatIdentifier of the File format to which the metadata belongs.

com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.ImGearMetadataFormats enumeration

It is possible for a metadata tree to contain subtrees defined in another metadata format. For example, JPEG metadata tree may contain subtrees containing EXIF or IPTC metadata.

com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.ImGearFormats.UNKNOWN means custom (unknown) format.


(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearMetadataNode)
Public FieldtagRepresents identifier of metadata node for particular file format.

Integer value

Identifies what kind of data is stored in metadata node. Specific for particular file format.

Values for the tags are taken from tag list of file formats, represented in ImageGear for Java as ImGearFORMATTagIDs (where FORMAT is BMP, TIFF, etc.) enumerations.

(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearMetadataNode)
Protected Fields
Protected FieldnameReturns string name of tag. (Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearMetadataNode)
Public Methods
Public MethodcloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.  
Public MethodcompareToCompares the current instance with another object of the same type. (Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearMetadataNode)
Public MethodgetAccessorget accessor to Simplified Metadata for specified metadata Format.  
Public MethodgetChildReturns reference to child node.

Value being assigned must be stand-alone ( ImGearMetadataNode.getParent == null) and not an instance of ImGearMetadataHead class.


Public MethodgetCommonGets access to metadata that is common for all format filters.

com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.ImGearCommonMetadata class object.

This method provides access to metadata that is common for all format filters.


Public MethodgetEXIFReturns simplified access to EXIF metadata.

The user does not need to know exact location of EXIF metadata in the metadata tree. If EXIF metadata doesn't exist in the metadata tree, the method returns null.

You can add EXIF metadata to a metadata tree, if it was not present, by creating a new instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.exif.ImGearEXIFMetadata class and assigning it using setEXIF method. However, this only allowed if metadata tree's target format is compatible with EXIF. Currently, two target formats support EXIF metadata: TIFF and JPEG.


Public MethodgetFormatNameGets the name of the type of the file format to which metadata belongs.

Any string name of format.

(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearMetadataNode)
Public MethodgetIPTCReturns simplified access to IPTC metadata.

The user does not need to know exact location of IPTC metadata in the metadata tree. If IPTC metadata doesn't exist in the metadata tree, the method returns null.

You can add IPTC metadata to a metadata tree, if it was not present, by creating a new instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.iptc.ImGearIPTCMetadata class and assigning it using setIPTC method. However, this only allowed if metadata tree's target format is compatible with IPTC. Currently, two target formats support IPTC metadata: TIFF and JPEG.


Public MethodgetNameReturns returns string name of tag.

Returns tag name from the internal dictionary, or empty string if tag is unknown in ImageGear for Java.

(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearMetadataNode)
Public MethodgetParentGets reference to parent node.

ImGearMetadataNodeList class object.

Specifies reference to parent node in metadata tree. This method may return null. Accordingly, the instance is stand-alone (not attached), or otherwise, has special type like ImGearMetadataHead.

(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearMetadataNode)
Public MethodgetTargetFormatReturns target format of the page metadata.  
Public MethodgetTIFFReturns simplified access to TIFF metadata.

The user does not need to know exact location of TIFF metadata in the metadata tree. If TIFF metadata doesn't exist in the metadata tree, the method returns null.

You can add TIFF metadata to a metadata tree, if it was not present, by creating a new instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.tif.ImGearTIFFMetadata class and assigning it using setTIFF method. However, this only allowed if metadata tree's target format is compatible with TIFF. Currently, two target formats support TIFF metadata: TIFF and JPEG.


Public MethodgetXMPReturns simplified access to XMP metadata.

The method returns null if XMP metadata doesn't exist in the metadata tree.

You can add XMP metadata to a metadata tree, if it is not present, by creating a new instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.ImGearXMPMetadataRoot class and assigning it using setXMP method. However, this is only allowed if metadata tree's target format is compatible with XMP. Currently, the following target formats support XMP metadata: TIFF, JPEG, PSD, PDF, PS


Public MethodsetAccessorSet accessor to Simplified Metadata for spesified metadata Format.  
Public MethodsetChildSets reference to child node.

Value being assigned must be stand-alone ( ImGearMetadataNode.getParent == null) and not an instance of ImGearMetadataHead class.


Public MethodsetEXIFSets simplified access to EXIF metadata.

The user does not need to know exact location of EXIF metadata in the metadata tree. If EXIF metadata doesn't exist in the metadata tree, the method returns null.

You can add EXIF metadata to a metadata tree, if it was not present, by creating a new instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.exif.ImGearEXIFMetadata class and assigning it using setEXIF method. However, this only allowed if metadata tree's target format is compatible with EXIF. Currently, two target formats support EXIF metadata: TIFF and JPEG.


Public MethodsetIPTCSets simplified access to IPTC metadata.

The user does not need to know exact location of IPTC metadata in the metadata tree. If IPTC metadata doesn't exist in the metadata tree, the method returns null.

You can add IPTC metadata to a metadata tree, if it was not present, by creating a new instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.iptc.ImGearIPTCMetadata class and assigning it using setIPTC method. However, this only allowed if metadata tree's target format is compatible with IPTC. Currently, two target formats support IPTC metadata: TIFF and JPEG.


Public MethodsetNameSets returns string name of tag.

Returns tag name from the internal dictionary, or empty string if tag is unknown in ImageGear for Java.

(Inherited from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearMetadataNode)
Public MethodsetTargetFormatSets target format of the page metadata.  
Public MethodsetTIFFSets simplified access to TIFF metadata.

The user does not need to know exact location of TIFF metadata in the metadata tree. If TIFF metadata doesn't exist in the metadata tree, the method returns null.

You can add TIFF metadata to a metadata tree, if it was not present, by creating a new instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.tif.ImGearTIFFMetadata class and assigning it using setTIFF method. However, this only allowed if metadata tree's target format is compatible with TIFF. Currently, two target formats support TIFF metadata: TIFF and JPEG.


Public MethodsetXMPSets simplified access to XMP metadata.

The method returns null if XMP metadata doesn't exist in the metadata tree.

You can add XMP metadata to a metadata tree, if it is not present, by creating a new instance of com.accusoft.imagegear.formats.xmp.ImGearXMPMetadataRoot class and assigning it using setXMP method. However, this is only allowed if metadata tree's target format is compatible with XMP. Currently, the following target formats support XMP metadata: TIFF, JPEG, PSD, PDF, PS


See Also


ImGearMetadataHead Class
com.accusoft.imagegear.core Package



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