ImageX Constructor(ImagXpress,Int32,Int32,Int32,Color,Resolution,Boolean)

An instance of the ImagXpress workspace component. This is the main ImagXpress component that typically must be dragged onto a form first.
An integer which represents the width.
An integer which represents the height.
An integer which represents the bits per pixel.
Color of the back.
The resolution.
A boolean value which, if set to true, indicates that a real image will not actually be used and image rendering will instead be handled exclusively through a custom implementation of the PaintImage event. This is an advanced option and should typically be set to false.
Initializes a new instance of the ImageX class.
Public Function New( _
   ByVal imagXpress As ImagXpress, _
   ByVal width As Integer, _
   ByVal height As Integer, _
   ByVal bitsPerPixel As Integer, _
   ByVal backColor As Color, _
   ByVal resolution As Resolution, _
   ByVal virtualImage As Boolean _
Dim imagXpress As ImagXpress
Dim width As Integer
Dim height As Integer
Dim bitsPerPixel As Integer
Dim backColor As Color
Dim resolution As Resolution
Dim virtualImage As Boolean
Dim instance As New ImageX(imagXpress, width, height, bitsPerPixel, backColor, resolution, virtualImage)
public ImageX( 
   ImagXpress imagXpress,
   int width,
   int height,
   int bitsPerPixel,
   Color backColor,
   Resolution resolution,
   bool virtualImage
public: ImageX( 
   ImagXpress* imagXpress,
   int width,
   int height,
   int bitsPerPixel,
   Color backColor,
   Resolution* resolution,
   bool virtualImage
   ImagXpress^ imagXpress,
   int width,
   int height,
   int bitsPerPixel,
   Color backColor,
   Resolution^ resolution,
   bool virtualImage


An instance of the ImagXpress workspace component. This is the main ImagXpress component that typically must be dragged onto a form first.
An integer which represents the width.
An integer which represents the height.
An integer which represents the bits per pixel.
Color of the back.
The resolution.
A boolean value which, if set to true, indicates that a real image will not actually be used and image rendering will instead be handled exclusively through a custom implementation of the PaintImage event. This is an advanced option and should typically be set to false.

A virtual image for all practical purposes is a blank canvas that the application can use in conjunction with the PaintImage event to control rendering of an image. The scrollbars, zoom factor and other attributes of the view are maintained by ImagXpress. This could be used to break a large image into smaller images or tiles for reducing the memory footprint of the application. This is advanced functionality and not recommended for use unless there is a extremely valid reason to use it.

The ImageX object implements the IDisposable interface and the application is required to call the Dispose method when the application is done with ImageX object, otherwise memory may leak.

See Also


ImageX Class
ImageX Members
Overload List



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