Accusoft ISIS Xpress 7
ToHdib Method
Returns the handle to a DIB for the current scanned image. After each scan, this value will be a handle to a DIB if the CreateDib Property is True and the UseCompression Property is False.
Visual Basic
Public Function ToHdib( _
   ByVal method As IS_TOHDIBMETHOD _
) As Long
IS_TOHDIBMETHOD_RETURNDUPLICATESpecifies that the DIB is to be duplicated; the user has the responsibility of calling GlobalFree() to clean up the resource.
IS_TOHDIBMETHOD_TRANSFERINTERNALSpecifies that the internal DIB is to be used; ISIS Xpress handles cleaning up the resource.
Return Type
A Long representing the handle to a DIB for the current scanned image.

This value can then be set to the hDib of another control, such as ImagXpress.

The hDib is valid during the Scanned Event and will remain valid until a subsequent Scanning Event.

This value can only be queried once after each scan when IS_TOHDIBMETHOD_TRANSFERINTERNAL is used.

See Also

ISISXpress Object  | ISISXpress Members



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