ImageGear Java PDF

To install ImageGear Java PDF, download the installation package from

The name of the ImageGear Java PDF installation package for Linux is ImageGearJavaPDF_1.1_Linux64.tar.gz (Linux 64-bit platform).

Please see one of the sections below for details on installing ImageGear Java PDF:

Automated Installation Script

  1. Move the installation file ImageGearJavaPDF_1.1_Linux64.tar.gz into your home (root) directory $HOME
  2. Extract the installation file contents, which is typically done by running:
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    tar zxvfh {installation filename}
  3. In the $HOME/Accusoft/ImageGearJavaPDF1-64 folder after extracting, locate the script and run it as root user:

    The installer script must be run as a root user to complete successfully. How you run it as a root user will vary from platform to platform on Linux.

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  4. The script will search for and modify the current user's shell profile files to add some environment variables and attempt to run the Accusoft License Manager. If you are a first time user evaluating ImageGear, choose "Evaluation" Licensing.
  5. Finally, log out and log in again to activate the environment variables.

Manual Installation

  1. Move the installation file ImageGearJavaPDF_1.1_Linux64.tar.gz into your home (root) directory $HOME
  2. Extract the installation file contents, which is typically done by running:
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    tar zxvfh {installation filename}
  3. After extraction the following path will be created at user home directory: $HOME/Accusoft/ImageGearJavaPDF1-64
  4. You can define your own layout, but in that case, the environment variables should be updated accordingly (see below).
  5. Now you can set IMAGE_GEAR_PDF_RESOURCE_PATH. It should point to $HOME/Accusoft/ImageGearJavaPDF1-64/resources folder.
  6. In order for ImageGear Java PDF to work, there must be a license file installed. The license key is kept in the file with the name accusoft.<solution name>.<version specification>.license. The ImageGear Java PDF installation uses the predefined solution name 'Accusoft'.
  7. Please use $HOME/Accusoft/ImageGearJavaPDF1-64/licensing/licensemanager.jar to run the License Manager user interface (java -jar licensemanager.jar). Please refer to Licensing for additional details about how to acquire a license key. If you are a first time user evaluating ImageGear, choose "Evaluation" Licensing.
  8. Now that the license file is created, the variable ACCUSOFT_LICENSE_DIR has to be defined and should contain the path to the license file. If the ACCUSOFT_LICENSE_DIR variable is not defined, ImageGear Java PDF will look for the license file successively in the following locations:
    • current working directory
    • $HOME/.config/accusoft/licensing
    • /etc/accusoft/licensing
    • /usr/lib
  9. In order to get ImageGear Java PDF working, you need to define the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. For example:
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  10. ImageGear Java PDF uses the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to set a path to its libraries:
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    There is no need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH explicitly, if ImageGear Java PDF libraries are stored in /user/lib.

  11. Log out and log in again to activate the environment variables.
  12. Now, you can build and run your applications. For example, for the OpenSaveSample it will look like (after the sample is built with Maven):
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    java -jar ./target/OpenSaveSample-1.1.jar "./documents/SinglePage.pdf" "./documents/SinglePage_output.pdf" false

Determining the Installed Version

To get the installed version for ImageGear Java PDF (jar file):

  1. Locate the IgPdf.jar in the $HOME/Accusoft/ImageGearJavaPDF1-64/java folder
  2. Extract the manifest file from the jar using the command:
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    jar xfv IgPdf.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  3. Output jar file version with the following command:
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    cat META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | grep Implementation-Version

Useful links:


To uninstall ImageGear Java PDF, run the following as root user:

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./ remove



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