Accusoft.Forms1 - Updated
Processing Data or Side Effects
Forms API - User Guide > Concepts > Implementing a Forms Processing Application > Image Processing > Processing Data or Side Effects

The Accusoft.FormFixSdk.IdentificationProcessor will preprocess (analyze) and produce information about the images in the form set. This information will be exported from the IdentificationProcessor so that it can be stored and reloaded later, preventing the IdentificationProcessor from having to redo the analysis. The Forms API implements the code to store this information in FormSet and FormDefinition objects, and the code to retrieve this information and pass it back to the IdentificationProcessor.

When the Forms API stores this information in the FormSet and FormDefinition objects, the objects' HasChanged property will be set to true. The HasChanged property indicates if a FormSet or FormDefinition object is not synchronized with the file it corresponds to on disk, so the HasChanged property may have already been true when the FormSet was passed to the processor.

A property on the Processor class called FormSetModified is also exposed; this property indicates if the FormSet or FormDefinitions were modified during processing.