Accusoft.Forms1 - Updated
Configuration of Processing
Forms API - User Guide > Concepts > Implementing a Forms Processing Application > Image Processing > Configuration of Processing

The configuration of the Processor is primarily defined by an Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk.FormSet object and a corresponding set of Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk.FormDefinition objects. Each processor object is associated with only one FormSet object, which is passed into the Processor constructor or created by the Processor constructor. This form set object specifies the following things:

It is the responsibility of the calling code to create the FormSet object and ensure that it is in the proper state before passing it to the Processor constructor.

Processor class diagram

Other Processor Configuration Options

The Processor class exposes some properties that control behavior, which cannot be controlled by a FormSet object. These behaviors are considered to be specific to application requirements, and in most cases the default values of these properties are acceptable. The properties exposed are: