Handle Identification against Similar Templates, Dropped Out Images and Faxed Images

Handling Similar Templates

Try Adjusting IdentificationQuality

Sometimes an IdentificationProcessor has difficulty distinguishing between two or more similar forms. The most common examples are standard forms that have been printed by different companies (such as HCFS-1500's) or a single form that is revised in some small way. If this problem occurs, first try increasing IdentificationQuality.

Try Other Methods

If the difference between two templates is small enough, no amount to coaxing will get an IdentificationProcessor to identify the images. In these cases, either process the images as one form type (if the forms are close enough to be a problem, they often are close enough to be treated as the same form) or find a supplemental method such as OCR or barcode to help identify the image. For more information, see Enhance Images.

It may be tempting to try putting certain templates first in the table, but this is not a reliable solution because FormFix 4 rarely looks at the templates in sequential order.

Drop-Out Forms

Although you can process images whose form is dropped by a scanner using a "drop-out bulb" (or by ScanFix's Virtual Bulb technology) and get good drop-out results, the identification and registration stages perform poorly on them.

When processing drop-out images, the template images must be filled, not blank, and IdentificationQuality should be increased to at least 75 and IdentificationCertainty to 100. You should consider defining several different copies of each form type.

Faxed Images

Faxed images can be very difficult to process. Accusoft does not recommend processing faxed forms. Clean faxed images will generally identify just fine. However, OCR results are usually low and distorted faxes often cannot even be identified.

See Also



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