Accusoft.FormDirector3.Net - Updated
Form Set
FormDirector3 for .Net - User Guide > How To > Store Data & Operations > Form Set

Create and Write to Persistent Storage

  1. Create an instance of the FormSetFile class using  the FormSetFile constructor.
  2. Set the Filename property.
  3. Call Lock to create the file and lock it.
  4. Set the Identification property
    1. Set the Type and Content strings (class is DataItem) of the Identification property to represent the operation to perform form identification.
      See Integrating with FormFix.
    2. Set the value of the Identification property to this DataItem
  5. Create and add one or more FormDefinitions.
    See Store Data & Operations > FormDefinition.
  6. Add processing operations to the Operations collection
    These are operations to be performed on an unknown image before identification. See Integrating with ScanFix.
    1. For each operation to be added to the collection
      1. Create a DataItem to represent the operation to be performed on the field clip.
        See Storing Data and Operations > DataItem.
      2. Add this DataItem to the Operations collection.
  7. Add DataItems to the OtherDataItems collection.
  8. Call the Write method to write all of the information to a file.
  9. Call the Unlock method to unlock the file.

Load from Persistent Storage

  1. Create an instance of the FormSetFile class using the FormSetFile constructor.
  2. Set the Filename property to the path of the form set file in persistent storage, which you want to load.
  3. Call the Read method to load the information in the form set file into the instance of the FormSetFile object.
See Also